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Family Heritage

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All publications produced by the Tasmanian Family History Society Inc. or any of its branches (other than sale items) are discounted to Society members.  Those items marked below with a 'Y' are discounted by 10%.  When you have finished browsing and adding to your shopping list, press the Shopping List button to confirm your list and send a request for a quote, including the best postage rate, which we will send to you by email.







159Convict Connections - The Harrison Family of North West TasmaniaBrian Smith$18.00Y
289Henry Woods Old Man of the Mountain 2nd EditionIrene Schaffer$15.00Y
298James Jordan's Last Journey3rd EditionIrene Schaffer$15.00Y
299James Jordan's Trial, Dublin 1789Irene Schaffer$6.00Y
162Making their own way
The Dunbabins on Maria Island1869 - 1876
Tom Dunbabin$39.95Y
163Mistress of Pleasant Banks - Mrs Elizabeth GibsonIrene Schaffer$5.00Y
164My Most Interesting Ancestor
A collection of short stories submitted for the TFHS Inc. Manuscript Award 2001
TFHS Inc.$9.00N
165Nature in its Wildest Form (Mt Wellington): James Dickinson, Merchant, Convict, Florist; Hobart Town 1837 - 1853Irene Schaffer$30.00Y
166Our Female Ancestors
discovered and remembered
2nd PrintTFHS Inc. Hobart Writers group$28.00Y
167Private George Smith of His Majesty's Royal Marines - to Van Diemens Land per Ocean 1804Irene Schaffer$20.00Y
168Red Lion Inn - Liverpool St, 1820 - 1874Irene Schaffer$6.00Y
171Sherriff 1525 - 1995
Benjamin, Humphrey and George - Free Passage to Van Diemens Land 1839 - 1843
Laurie Woods$11.00N
169The Bidencope Story2nd EditionIrene Schaffer$25.00Y
291The Sea Shall Not Have Them (The White Story Completed)3rd EditionIrene Schaffer$30.00Y
172Tracing My Giblin AncestorsL.A. Giblin$10.00N
287WINSPEAR History and Recollections 1783 - 2001 Susan Barter$20.00N
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Site last updated January 2025