Tasmanian Family History Society Hobart header

DNA Interest Group

This group was formed in 2016 by a small number of members interested in family history research using DNA analysis. The group usually meets from 1.30 to 3.30 pm on the third Thursday of each month in the Church Hall at St Marks Anglican Church, Bellerive. Participants are at different points in their journey in their understanding and experience of how DNA analysis can assist in family research. In a casual, unstructured manner the meetings are information sharing and Q and A sessions.

We ask that you make a $2 (members) or $5 (non-members) donation towards the room hire cost. It is not becessary to book; visitors are welcome to just attend.

Members - beginners or with some experiences to share - are invited to join the group at any time to learn or help lead. For further information please contact us.

In August 2022 our Convenor, Ros Escott, gave an entertaining and informative presentation as part of National Family History Month.  She talked about her approach to using DNA to solve family history mysteries with a couple of real examples. While now a little dated, it is still relevant and very useeful background  It is highly recommended and may be viewed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z55xePO1tb4&t=11s

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Site last updated January 2025