Swing Rioters Beneath the Southern Cross

Agricultural labourers transported to Australia after the 1830s rural riots

Pre-transportation History

378: SHERGOLD, George
Born: about 1803Died: 1891
Family Relationships: Brother, No. 380
Group:Wessex (Berks, Dorset, Hunts, Wilts)
Where tried : Wiltshire CountyNative Place: Stapleford, Wiltshire
Occupation: Gardener, House servant
Crime: Robbery (i.e. Receiving)Sentence: Life
Prior Offences: 0*Hulk: 1480
Order of Loading: 311Transport: Eleanor, to NSW

Post-transportation History

*Police Number:
Times charged: 0Times punished: 0
Granted Ticket of Leave: Date of Pardon: 30 Nov -1
Type of Pardon:
Post-sentence History:
Marriages: NSW, ~1863
Place of Death: New South Wales


*Hulk Numbers
Four figure numbers refer to the York Hulk, others, the Leviathan.  No number means either unknown or not held in a hulk
*Police Number
This is shown when known.  In Van Diemens Land the initial letter was the first letter of the convicts surname.

Are you a descendant or connected to this Swing-rioter?

We have published all we currently know and are hoping that others will add to Geoffrey Sharman's research and add their own personal stories. 

Submissions are encouraged and may be emailed to the Secretary, preferably in Microsoft Word format.  Authors are requested to follow the Society's Publication Guidelines.  Review and assistance by our editors is available.

If you need more information please contact the Secretary. 

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Site last updated January 2025