Tasmanian Family History Society Hobart header


We are ready and keen to help you with your family history research in many ways:

Come and use our library

Visit our library and use our vast collection of print and digital materials. Perhaps try our Consolidated Search Index (CSI) before you arrive. The library address, opening times and other details are available here.  Both members and non-members are very welcome.

Breaking Down Brick Walls

Hit a brick wall with your family history research?  No idea where to search next?   
Checkout our Breaking Down Brick Walls service.

Expert volunteer researchers

Make a Research Request Enquiry now by filling out the information below. Rates are

This enquiry does not commit you to using our services.  We will respond as quickly as we can and tell you the estimated cost (rarely more than two hours).
We may also tell you what additional information from you would help us quickly process your request.

Member Non member Membership Number:
First name:
Last name:
No. and Street:
State: Postcode:
Email address:
Your research request:

Important information about confidentiality and members' interests

Members submitting family names of interest on an Application for or Renewal of Membership Form, and any person requesting research at a branch, should note the following points.

Remember that a stamped self-addressed envelope should be enclosed when contacting another researcher.

©TFHS Inc. All rights reserved
Site last updated March 2024   COVID-19 Impacts